6. Знаки артиллерийских частей Badges of the Artillery Units6.1. Знаки пешей артиллерии Badges of the Foot Artillery6.1.1. Знак 4-й батареи 1-й гренадерской артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.1. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 1st Grenadier Artillery Brigade. Утв. 04.10.1912 ![]() ![]() Серебряный венок из лавровой и дубовой ветвей, перевязанных золотой лентой, покрытой эмалью красного цвета, с золотыми цифрой «4» и буквой «Б». На венок наложен золотой Мальтийский крест, покрытый эмалью белого цвета, причем вертикальные лучи креста длиннее горизонтальных. В центре креста золотой вензель Императора Николая II, а на верхнем луче золотая римская цифра «С». Под нижним лучом креста находятся две скрещенные пушки (левая — вороненая, а правая — золотая). В вырезе нижнего луча серебряная граната с золотым пламенем. Знак увенчан золотой Императорской короной с ниспадающими из-под нее золотыми лентами, покрытыми эмалью голубого цвета. Silver wreath of laurel and oak branches bound in a gold ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold number «4» and the letter «Б» (В). On the wreath is laid the gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel of which the vertical rays of the cross are longer than the horizontal. In the centre of the cross is the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II and on the upper ray is the gold Roman numeral «C». Below the lower rays of the cross are two crossed cannons (left - blue steel; right - gold). Engraved onto the lower ray is a silver grenade with gold flames. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown with gold ribbons, covered in blue enamel, falling from it. 6.1.2. Знак 1-й батареи 2-й гренадерской артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.2. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 2nd Grenadier Artillery Brigade. Утв. 18.08.1912
Bronze figurative oxidized cross with raised polished borders, the upper rays of which are longer than the horizontal. In the centre of the cross are gold crossed cannons on which is laid a silver grenade with gold flames. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the raised bronze polished dates «1803» and «1903». 6.1.3. Знак 1-, 2- и 4-й батарей Кавказской гренадерской артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.3. Badge of the 1st, 2nd and 4th Batteries of the Caucasian Grenadier Artillery Brigade. Утв. 19.12.1911
Gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel. In the centre of the cross is the gold cypher of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich beneath the gold Imperial crown. The cross is laid on crossed silver oxidized cannons on the breech ends of which are the gold dates «1786» and «1896». 6.1.4. Знак 5-й батареи Кавказской гренадерской артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.4. Badge of the 5th Battery of the Caucasian Grenadier Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.05.1912 ![]() Знак аналогичен 6.1.3, но даты «1812» и «1912» The badge is the same 6.1.3 but are the gold dates «1812» and «1912».
6.1.5. Знак 1-й батареи 1-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.5. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 1st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 29.11.1911 ![]() Золотая лента, сложенная в форме ромба с двумя свободно свисающими концами, покрытая эмалью черного цвета с тонкими красными кантами по краям. На верхнюю часть ленты наложено золотое шитье воротника чинов батареи. На нижней части золотые надписи «1. БАТ.» и «1. А.Б.», а на свободных концах золотые даты «1796» и «1896». На ленту наложен золотой Мальтийский крест, покрытый эмалью белого цвета. На нем золотой вензель Императора Николая II. На узел ленты наложены скрещенные пушки (слева — вороненая, справа — золотая), на месте их пересечения золотая римская цифра «С». Знак увенчан золотой Императорской короной. Gold ribbon folded in the shape of a rhombus with two free trailing ends covered in black enamel with thin red borders on the edges. On the upper part of the ribbon is the gold embroidery of the collar of the battery's ranks. On the lower parts are the gold inscriptions «1. БАТ.» (1. BAT.) and «1. А.Б.» (1. A.B.) and at the ends the gold dates «1796» and «1896». On the ribbon is a gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel, on which is the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II. On the knot of the ribbon are crossed cannons (left - blue steel, right -gold) and at their point of intersection is the gold Roman numeral «C». The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.6. Знак 4-й батареи 1-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.6. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 1st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 08.08.1912
Two wavy gold St. George ribbons which are falling from under the gold Imperial crown. On the ribbons is a gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel under the lower ray of which are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). Between the upper and lateral rays of the cross are the gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. Between the lower and lateral rays are the gold dates «1796» and «1896». 6.1.7. Знак 5-й батареи 1-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.7. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 1st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 30.05.1913
The basis of the badge is a silver a cross-section of the breech end of a cannon covered in light blue enamel. On the upper and lower parts of the breech end are the inscriptions «5я БАТАРЕЯ 1й APT. БРИГ.» (5 BATTERY OF THE 1 ART. BRIG.) and «ЛЕГК. РОТА ШТ. КАП. ВЕРБОВСКАГО» (LIGHT COMP. OF STAFF CAPT. VERBOVSKY) in black enamel. In the centre of the breech end is a right-angled aperture, the inside of which is oxidized silver. On the lower part of the aperture are two crossed shells with gold cartridge cases on which is vertically laid a silver oxidized shell with two gold borders. On the aperture is a gold double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. In its claws the eagle is holding a silver cut barrel inside which is the gold cypher of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's wings are the raised gold dates «1805» and «1905». On the lateral walls of the breech end are the silver cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath silver Imperial crowns. Below the cyphers are silver oxidized bullets. 6.1.8. Знак 1-й батареи 3-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.8. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 3rd Artillery Brigade. Утв. 21.04.1913
Gold wreath of laurel and oak leaves bound in a gold St. George ribbon tied in a bow. Inside the wreath is a small circular shield covered in white enamel with the gold dates «1807» and «1907». On the upper part of the wreath is a silver oxidized double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from it. On the small shield are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) and on top of them is a silver oxidized grenade with gold flames. On the grenade are the raised gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. 6.1.9. Знак 5-й батареи 3-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.9. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 3rd Artillery Brigade. Утв. 28.08.1912
Silver wreath of laurel and oak branches inside which are two vertically laid gun barrels (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). Between the barrels is the combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I (silver) and Nicholas II (gold). The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown with gold entwined ribbons falling from it and enveloping the barrels. The facing side of the ribbons are covered in black enamel bearing the gold dates «1811» and «1911» and the reverse is covered in red enamel with the gold inscriptions «5 БАТАРЕЯ» (5 BATTERY) and «3 APT. БРИГ.» (3 ART. BRIG.). On the lower parts of the badge, between the ends of the guns, are silver crossed bugles. 6.1.10. Знак 1-й батареи 5-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.10. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 5th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 28.08.1912
Gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel laid on two crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). On the upper ray of the cross is a silver oxidized double-headed eagle with wings slightly expanded upwards beneath the gold Imperial crown. From under the eagle's wings are falling gold wavy St. George ribbons tied at the bottom of the badge in a bow. On the ribbons are the gold dates «1796» and «1896» and the inscriptions «1-я БАТ.» (1-st BAT.) and «5-я APT. БР.» (5-th ART. BR). On the horizontal rays of the cross are the heavy gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.11. Знак 5-й батареи 5-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.11. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 5th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 28.08.1912
Silver oxidized double-headed eagle with outstretched wings beneath the gold Imperial crown. In its claws the eagle is holding two crossed cannons (right - gold, left - silver oxidized). At the intersection of the barrels is the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's breast is a gold dangling ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold dates «1803» and «1903» and the inscription «5 БАТ. 5 APT. БР.» (5 BAT. 5 ART. BR.). 6.1.12. Знак 4-й батареи 6-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.12. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 6th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.05.1912
Silver oxidized eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from it covered in blue enamel. On its breast is a small gold shield covered in red enamel with the gold cypher of Emperor Alexander I beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's tail is the gold Roman numeral «C» covered in white enamel. On the lower part of the tail, below the Roman numeral «C» is the raised gold date «1806». Below the eagle's tail is an horizontal gold cannon. 6.1.13. Знак 4-й батареи 7-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.13. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 7th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 25.10.1912
Gold wreath of laurel and oak branches bound by a gold ribbon tied in a bow. The wreath is laid on two crossed silver cannons. On the upper part of the badge are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown with gold ribbons falling from it. At the point of intersection of the cannons is a silver oxidized double-headed eagle beneath three silver Imperial crowns. In its claws the eagle is holding the gold dates «1807» and «1907». 6.1.14. Знак 5-й батареи 7-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.14. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 7th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.11.1913
Gold double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns. On the eagle's breast is the silver number «100» enveloped by a gold ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold inscription «5 БАТАРЕЯ 7 АРТИЛ. БР.» (5 BATTERY 7 ARTIL BR.). On the eagle's tail are two crossed cannons (left -gold, right- blue steel) bound by a gold ribbon tied in a bow and covered in white enamel with the gold dates «1796» and «1896». On the eagle's wings are the silver cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath silver oxidized Imperial crowns. a) On some badges gold ribbon is covered in red enamel with the gold dates «1796» and «1896», and two crossed cannons are bound by a gold ribbon tied in a bow and covered in white enamel with the gold dates «1812 - 1814» и «1904 - 1905». 6.1.15. Знак 1-й батареи 8-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.15. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 8th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.01.1912
Gold cross in the Territorial form with raised gold polished borders. In its central circular gold medallion is the raised gold number «8» below which are two gold crossed cannons. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold raised dates «1803» and «1903». On the vertical are the raised gold cyphers of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.16. Знак 4-й батареи 8-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.16. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 8th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.01.1912 ![]() Знак аналогичен 6.1.15, но даты «1796» и «1896», а вместо вензеля Императора Александра I помещен вензель Императора Павла I. The badge is the same as 6.1.15, except for the dates «1796» and «1896» and instead of the cypher of Emperor Alexander I, there is the cypher of Emperor Paul I.
6.1.17. Знак 5-й батареи 8-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.17. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 8th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.01.1912 ![]() Знак аналогичен 6.1.15, но даты «1806» и «1906». The badge is the same as 6.1.15. except for the dates «1806» and «1906».
6.1.18. Знак 4-й батареи 10-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.18. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 10th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 07.12.1913 ![]() Золотой двуглавый орел, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной. Орел держит в лапах две скрещенные пушки (левая - золотая, правая - серебряная оксидированная). На груди орла золотой щиток, покрытый эмалью черного цвета. В центре щитка золотая шифровка «4Б», в верхней части золотые даты «1796» и «1896», а в нижней — золотая надпись «10 APT. БР.». На крыльях орла расположены серебряные вензели Императоров Павла I и Николая II, увенчанные серебряными Императорскими коронами. Gold double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. The eagle is holding two crossed cannons in its claws (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield covered in black enamel. In the centre of the small shield is the gold figure «4Б» (4B) and on the upper part the gold dates «1796» and «1896»; on the lower is the gold inscription «10 APT. БР.» (10 ART. BR). On the eagle's wings are the silver cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.19. Знак 1-й батареи 11-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.19. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 11th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.06.1912 Золотой фигурный щит, на который наложена серебряная копия памятника с Бородинского поля. На его пьедестале надпись «№26 БАТ. РОТА», выполненная в две строки эмалью черного цвета. Слева от памятника на щите серебряная лавровая ветка, над которой расположен серебряный вензель Императора Александра I, увенчанный серебряной Императорской короной. Справа от памятника на щите серебряные вензели Императоров Николая II (вверху) и Павла I (внизу), увенчанные серебряными Императорскими коронами. Под вензелями Императоров Николая II и Павла I даты «1896» и «1796», выполненные эмалью черного цвета. Под щитом под углом в 45 градусов золотая пушка. Gold figurative shield on which is laid a silver image of the memorial from the field of Borodino. On its pedestal is the inscription «№26 БАТ. РОТА» (№26 BAT. COMPANY) on two lines in black enamel. To the left of the memorial on the shield is a silver laurel branch on which is laid the silver cypher of Emperor Alexander I beneath the silver Imperial crown. To the right of the memorial are the silver cyphers of the Emperors Nicholas II (top) and Paul I (bottom) beneath silver Imperial crowns, and below the cyphers are the dates «1896» and «1796» in black enamel. Below the shield at 45 degrees to the corner is a gold cannon. 6.1.20. Знак 4-й батареи 11-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.20. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 11th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 17.09.1912
Silver double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's breast is a gold ribbon the ends of which protrude from under its wings. On the ribbon is the inscription «4я БАТ. 11 АРТИЛ. БР.» (4 ВАТ. 11 ARTIL BR.) in black enamel. On the ribbon are the gold cyphers of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. On the eagle's tail are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) the barrels of which protrude from under its wings. On the breach end of the barrel are the gold raised dates «1803» and «1903». At the intersection of the barrels is a silver oxidized shell with two gold belts. 6.1.21. Знак 5-й батареи 11-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.21. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 11th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 30.08.1913
Silver oxidized grenade with gold flames on which are the gold cyphers of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. Below the cyphers are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) and at their intersection is a silver shell. On the lower edge of the grenade is the inscription «5 БАТ. 11 APT. БР.» (5 BAT. 11 ART. BR.) in white enamel. 6.1.22. Знак 1-й батареи 12-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.22. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 12th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 04.10.1912 Золотой крест по форме Георгиевского, между лучами которого расположены скрещенные пушки (левая - золотая, правая — вороненая). В центре креста круглый золотой медальон, покрытый эмалью красного цвета, с золотым совмещенным вензелем Императоров Павла I и Николая II. Медальон увенчан золотой Императорской короной. На горизонтальных лучах креста золотые выпуклые даты «1796» и «1896». Gold cross in the St. George form between the rays of which are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). In the centre of the cross is a circular gold medallion covered in red enamel with the gold combined cypher of Paul I and Nicholas II. The medallion is beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold raised dates «1896» and «1896». ![]() ![]() 6.1.23. Знак 4-й и 5-й батарей 12-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.23. Badge of the 4th and 5th Batteries of the 12th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.05.1912 ![]() ![]() Серебряный полувенок из лавровой и дубовой ветвей, перевязанных золотой лентой, покрытой эмалью красного цвета, с золотыми датами «1812» и «1912». На месте пересечения ветвей золотая римская цифра «С». На полувенок наложены скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — серебряная оксидированная), на них наложен золотой совмещенный вензель Императоров Александра I и Николая II. Вензель увенчан золотой Императорской короной с ниспадающими из-под нее золотыми Георгиевскими лентами. Silver half-wreath of laurel and oak leaves tied in a gold ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold dates «1812» and «1912». At the point of intersection of the leaves is the gold Roman numeral «C». On the half-wreath are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) on which is laid the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. The cypher is beneath the gold Imperial crown with gold St. George ribbons falling from it. 6.1.24. Знак 1-й батареи 13-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.24. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 13th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.05.1912
Gold six-ended cross with forked rays with gold spheres on the ends covered in black enamel. In the centre of the cross is a circular medallion covered in red enamel framed by a laurel wreath. On the lower part of the wreath is a gold ribbon covered in white enamel with the gold dates «1796 - 1896». On the wreath are crossed cannons (right - gold, left - silver oxidized) and at their point of intersection is a silver double-headed eagle beneath the silver Imperial crown. Between the rays of the cross are the gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.25. Знак 4-й батареи 13-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.25. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 13th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 19.08.1912
Two crossed cannons (left - silver oxidized, right - gold) and at their point of intersection is a silver double-headed eagle with outstretched wings beneath two silver Imperial crowns. In its claws, the eagle is holding a silver St. George trumpet. Under the eagle, between the barrels of the cannons, is a gold Caucasian cross covered in black enamel. In the central medallion of the cross, covered in black enamel, is the gold inscription «4 БАТ. 13 APT. БР.» (4 BAT. 13 ART. BR.) on three lines. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold dates «1796» and «1896» and on the vertical are the gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. The breech end of the cannons are linked by a gold wavy St. George ribbon. Between the ribbon and the lower part of the Caucasian cross is a silver St. George trumpet bound by a St. George ribbon. 6.1.26. Знак 4-й батареи 14-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.26. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 14th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 29.11.1911
Silver oxidized double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from it. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield covered in red enamel with the gold order of St. George. In its claws, the eagle is holding crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). On the eagle's tail is the gold number «100», and on its wings the silver cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.27. Знак 5-й батареи 14-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.27. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 14th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 08.08.1912
Straight silver oxidized corrugated cross in the centre of which is a gold medallion covered in red enamel with the gold number «349». The medallion is bordered by a gold wreath of laurel branches bound with a gold ribbon tied in a bow. On the upper ray of the cross is the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II. Between the rays of the cross are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). The breech ends of the cannons are linked by the gold dates «1796» and «1896» and between them is a silver grenade with gold flames. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.28. Знак 5-й батареи 15-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.28. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 15th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 25.10.1911
Silver oxidized double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from them. The eagle is resting its wings on a silver oxidized half wreath of laurel and oak leaves. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield with the gold raised number «100». On the lower part of the eagle are gold crossed cannons below which are the silver crossed St. George trumpets with dangling gold tassels. On the crossed cannons and trumpets is a gold ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold inscription «5 БАТ. 15 APT. БР.» (5 BAT. 15 ART. BR.). On the eagle's wings are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. Between the cyphers and small shields, on the eagle's wings are the gold dates «1806» and «1906». 6.1.29. Знак 1-й батареи 17-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.29. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 17th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 15.12.1912
Silver oxidized double-headed eagle holding in its claws a gold officer's breast-badge with the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. The eagle is laid on crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). On the eagle's breast is the gold cypher of Emperor Paul I beneath the gold Imperial crown. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown with gold St. George ribbons falling from it, tied in a bow at the bottom and enveloping the eagle and cannons. On the ribbons are the gold dates «1796» and «1896» and the inscription «1. Б. 17. АР. БР.» (1. B. 17. AR. BR.). 6.1.30. Знак 4-й батареи 17-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.30. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 17th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 15.12.1912
Straight silver oxidized corrugated cross in the centre of which is a circular gold medallion covered in red enamel with the gold number «349». The medallion is bordered by a gold wreath of oak branches bound by a gold ribbon tied in a bow. Between the rays of the cross are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel) on the breech ends of which are the gold dates «1807» and «1907». The upper part of the cross is entwined by a gold ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold inscription «4 БАТ. 17 APT. БР.» (4 BAT. 17 ART. BR). On the cross is the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.31. Знак 5-й батареи 17-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.31. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 17th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 29.11.1911
Gold cross in the Territirial form covered in white enamel. On the central circular medallion, covered in white enamel, is the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. Below the cypher is the gold number «100». The cross is laid on a gold ribbon covered in red enamel on which is the gold inscription «5я БАТ. 17 APT. БРИГ.» (5 BAT. 17 ART. BRIG.). Between the rays of the cross are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel) the barrels and breech ends of which are situated beneath the ribbon. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.32. Знак 1-й батареи 18-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.32. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 18th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 10.08.1912 ![]() Круглый серебряный венок из лавровой и дубовой ветвей, крестообразно перевязанный по бокам серебряными лентами. На венок наложены скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая), причем стволы проходят под венком, а казенные части помещены на венке. На казенных частях пушек даты «1796» и «1896», выполненные эмалью белого цвета. На место пересечения пушек наложено золотое лучезарное «всевидящее око». На нижней части венка золотая римская цифра «С». Под нижней частью помещены раструбами вниз скрещенные серебряные трубы с золотыми Георгиевскими лентами. На верхнюю часть венка наложен золотой двуглавый орел с распростертыми крыльями, увенчанный тремя золотыми Императорскими коронами. На груди орла золотой щиток, покрытый эмалью красного цвета, с золотым вензелем Императора Николая II. Circular silver wreath of laurel and oak branches bound in a cross-shaped manner on either side by silver ribbons. On the wreath are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel) the barrels of which run below the wreath and the breech ends of which are situated on top of the wreath. On the breech ends of the cannons are the dates «1796» and «1896» in white enamel. At the point of intersection of the cannons is a gold radiant «All-seeing Eye». On the lower part of the wreath is the gold Roman numeral «C». Below the base are laid crossed silver trumpets with gold St. George ribbons. On the upper part of the wreath is a gold double-headed eagle with outstretched wings beneath three gold Imperial crowns. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield covered in red enamel with the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II. 6.1.33. Знак 5-й батареи 18-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.33. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 18th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 08.02.1912
Silver wreath of laurel and oak leaves at the point of intersection of which is the gold Roman numeral «C». On the wreath are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). The cannons and the lower part of the wreath are entwined by a gold ribbon covered in black enamel with thin red borders. On the ribbon is the gold inscription «5. БАТ. 18 APT. БР.» (5. BAT. 18 ART. BR.) and the dates «1812» and «1912». On the upper part of the wreath is a gold double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with falling gold ribbons. On the eagle's breast is the raised silver number «1873». On the branches of the wreath are the gold cyphers of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. 6.1.34. Знак 3-й батареи 19-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.34. Badge of the 3rd Battery of the 19th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 03.05.1913 Серебряный двуглавый орел, увенчанный тремя золотыми Императорскими коронами с ниспадающими золотыми лентами. В лапах орел держит золотые скипетр и державу. На груди орла золотой Кавказский крест, покрытый эмалью черного цвета. Центральный круглый золотой медальон креста покрыт эмалью красного цвета. На крыльях орла золотые вензели Императоров Павла I и Николая II, увенчанные золотыми Императорскими коронами. На лапах орла выпуклые золотые даты «1796» и «1896». Орел наложен на скрещенные пушки (левая -золотая, правая — вороненая). Под казенными частями пушек помещена фигурно сложенная золотая лента с надписью «3-Я БАТ. 19 APT. Б.», выполненной выпуклыми золотыми буквами и цифрами. На хвост орла наложена опирающаяся на ленту серебряная оксидированная граната с золотым пламенем. Silver double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from them. In its claws the eagle is holding a gold orb and sceptre, on its breast is a gold Caucasian cross covered in black enamel. The central circular medallion of the cross is covered in red enamel. On the eagle's wings are the gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. On the eagle's claws are the raised gold dates «1796» and «1896». The eagle is laid on crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). Below the breach ends of the cannons is a figuratively folded gold ribbon with the raised gold inscription «3-Я БАТ. 19 APT. Б.» (3-RD BAT. 19 ART. В.). On the eagle's tail is a silver oxidized grenade with gold flames which is leaning against the ribbon. 6.1.35. Знак 3-й батареи 20-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.35. Badge of the 3rd Battery of the 20th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 29.11.1911
Silver double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. In its claws the eagle is holding crossed cannons (left - gold, right- silver oxidized). On the eagle's breast is the gold cypher of Emperor Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the tail of the eagle is a gold Caucasian cross covered in black enamel. In its central gold medallion, covered in black enamel, is the gold number «100». 6.1.36. Знак 1-й батареи 21-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.36. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 21st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 08.03.1912 ![]() ![]() Серебряная оксидированная граната с золотым пламенем, охваченная серебряным венком из лавровой и. дубовой ветвей, перевязанных золотой Георгиевской лентой в виде банта. Венок и граната наложены на скрещенные золотые пушки. На верхнюю часть гранаты наложены золотые вензели Императоров Павла I и Николая II, увенчанные золотой Императорской короной. На нижней части гранаты золотые выпуклые даты «1796 — 1896». Между вензелями и датами золотая надпись «1 Б. 21. А.Б.», выполненная в две строки. Silver oxidized grenade with gold flames held by a silver wreath of laurel and oak branches bound by a gold St. George ribbon tied in a bow. The wreath and the grenade are laid on crossed gold cannons. On the upper part of the grenade are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. On the lower part of the grenade are the raised gold dates «1796 - 1896». Between the cyphers and the dates is the gold inscription «1 Б. 21. А. Б.» (1 B. 21. A. B.) on two lines. 6.1.37. Знак 2-й батареи 21-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.37. Badge of the 2nd Battery of the 21st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 15.01.1914
Silver wreath of laurel and oak branches bound by a gold St. George ribbon tied in a bow with the gold inscription «2 БАТ. 21 А. Б.» (2 BAT. 21 A. B.) and the dates «1796» and «1896». On the wreath are crossed cannons (left - silver, right - gold) on which is laid a silver double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's wings are the gold cyphers of Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. On the eagle's tail is a gold white enamel Maltese cross. 6.1.38. Знак 4-й батареи 25-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.38. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 25th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 30.08.1911 Золотой прямой крест, покрытый эмалью белого цвета и увенчанный золотой Императорской короной с ниспадающими вниз и проходящими под лучами креста золотыми Георгиевскими лентами. На лентах золотые надпись «4я БАТАР. 25 APT. БР.» и даты «1806» и «1906». На горизонтальные лучи креста наложена золотая пушка, а на вертикальные — вороненая, на ее казенной части золотая римская цифра «С». На пересечение пушек наложены золотые вензели Императоров Александра I и Николая II. Под крестом скрещенные серебряные трубы, раструбы которых заведены под концы Георгиевских лент. Gold straight cross covered in white enamel and beneath the gold Imperial crown with gold St. George ribbons falling from it and passing under the rays of the cross. On the ribbons are the gold inscriptions «4я БАТАР. 25 APT. БР.» (4th BATTERY. 25 ART. BR.) and the dates «1806» and «1906». On the horizontal rays of the cross is a gold cannon and on the vertical a blue steel one on the breech end of which is the gold Roman numeral «C». At the point of intersection of the cannons are laid the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. Below the cross are crossed silver trumpets the bell of which pass under the edges of the St. George ribbons. ![]() ![]() 6.1.39. Знак 4-й и 5-й батарей 26-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.39. Badge of the 4th and 5th Batteries of the 26th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 30.03.1912
Silver oxidized double-headed eagle on the breast of which is the raised gold number «100». On the heads of the eagle's are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) below which are crossed silver St. George trumpets. The trumpets and cannons are bound by a gold St. George ribbon with the gold inscription «4 и 5 БАТ. 26 APT. БРГ.» (4 and 5 BAT. 26 ART. BRIG.). At the point of intersection of the cannons are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. On the breech ends of the cannons are the raised gold dates «1806» and «1906». The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.40. Знак 1-й батареи 27-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.40. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 27th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 19.01.1912
Gold cross in the St. George form covered in black enamel. In the central medallion, covered in black enamel, is the gold number «100». On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold dates «1796» and «1896». On the vertical are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II. Below the medallion are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.41. Знак 4-й батареи 27-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.41. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 27th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 03.06.1911 ![]() Золотой Мальтийский крест, покрытый эмалью белого цвета. На горизонтальных лучах креста золотая дата «1796», на нижнем — золотая римская цифра «С». В центре креста помещены скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая). На пересечение пушек наложены золотые вензели Императоров Павла I и Николая II, увенчанные золотой Императорской короной. Gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel. On the horizontal rays of the cross is the gold date «1796» and on the lower the gold Roman numeral «C». In the centre of the cross are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). At the point of intersection of the cannons are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.42. Знак 1-й батареи 29-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.42. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 29th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.03.1913
Gold Maltese cross covered in red enamel. In the central gold medallion, covered in black enamel, is the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II. The medallion is beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold dates «1796» and «1896». On the upper ray is the gold inscription «POTA MAIOPA ФОНЪ КЕМЕРЕРА» (COMPANY OF MAJOR VON KEMERER) on three lines and on the lower «I BAT. 29 APT. БР.» (I BAT. 29 ART. BR.) on four lines. Between the rays of the cross are crossed cannons (left -gold, right - silver oxidized). 6.1.43. Знак 4-й батареи 29-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.43. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 29th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 21.04.1913 ![]() Знак аналогичен 6.1.42, но на нижнем луче помещена золотая надпись «IV БАТ. 29 APT. БР.». The badge is the same a 6.1.42 but on the lower part is the gold inscription «IV БАТ. 29 APT. БР.» (IV BAT. 29 ART. BR.).
6.1.44. Знак 4-й батареи 31-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.44. Badge of the 4th Battery of the 31st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 07.12.1913
Gold matt cross in the Territorial form with raised gold polished borders. Between the rays of the cross are silver beams. On the cross is laid an identical smaller gold cross covered in white enamel. The central gold medallion is covered in red enamel and on it are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. The medallion is beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the horizontal rays of the smaller cross are the figures «46.» (4b.) and «31» and on the vertical is the date «1807» and the number «100» in black enamel. 6.1.45. Знак 5-й батареи 33-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.45. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 33rd Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.11.1913
Silver engraved five ended star on which is the gold cross section of a cannon barrel. The cross section is covered in black enamel and bears the gold inscription «5я БАТАРЕЯ 33й АРТИЛЛЕРIЙСКОЙ БРИГАДЫ» (5 BATTERY OF THE 33 ARTILLERY BRIGADE). The interior is covered in red enamel with a gold crenellated cross section, the space between in black enamel. On the inside of the breech is laid the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the lower part of the star are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel) and on their breech ends are the dates «1807» and «1907» in black enamel. At the point of intersection of the cannons is a silver oxidized grenade with gold flames. On the grenade is the gold Roman numeral «C». 6.1.46. Знак 1-й батареи 34-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.46. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 34th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 16.06.1911
Silver ribbon folded in the shape of a rhombus and tied in a bow at the bottom with the inscriptions «1 БАТ. 34 APT. БРИГАДЫ» (1 BAT. 34 ART. BRIGADE) and «БАТ. Р. ВАК. Ш-K. ШУЛЬМАНА» (BAT. R VAK. OF STAFF-CAPT. SHULMAN) and the dates «1806» and «1906» in black enamel. Inside the ribbon are the cyphers of Emperors Alexander I (silver) and Nicholas II (gold) beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the lower part of the ribbon are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized) below which is the gold Roman numeral «С». 6.1.47. Знак 5-й батареи 34-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.47. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 34th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 25.10.1911 Золотая сложенная в виде овала Александровская лента с золотыми надписями «БАТ. РОТА Ш.К. СНОЕВСКАГО» и «5 БАТ. 34 APT. БРИГАДЫ». На ленту наложены скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая). На пересечении пушек совмещенный серебряный вензель Императоров Александра I и Николая II, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной. На нижнюю часть Александровской ленты наложена раструбом вниз серебряная труба, прикрытая золотой вьющейся лентой с датами «1806 -1906», выполненными эмалью черного цвета. На раструб наложен Георгиевский крест. Gold St. Alexander ribbon folded in the shape of an oval with the gold inscriptions «БАТ. РОТА Ш.К. СНОЕВСКАГО» (BAT. COMPANY OF STAFF-CAPTAIN SNOEVSKY) and «5 БАТ. 34 APT. БРИГАДЫ» (5 BAT. 34 ART. BRIGADE). On the ribbon are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). On the point of intersection of the cannons is the silver combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the lower part of the ribbon is a silver trumpet with the trumpet pointing downwards covered by a silver wavy ribbon with the dates «1806 - 1906» in black enamel. Laid on the trumpet is a St. George cross. 6.1.48. Знак 1-й батареи 17-го Мортирного дивизиона (до 1910 года - 1-я батарея 35-й артиллерийской бригады). 6.1.48. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 17th Mortar Division (until 1910 - the 1st Battery of the 35th Artillery Brigade). Утв. 22.07.1911
Gold St. George ribbon folded in the shape of an oval with the gold dates «1805» and «1905». On the ribbon are gold crossed cannons at the intersection of which is a gold right angled plate. It is covered in red enamel with the inscription «1 БАТАРЕЯ» (1 BATTERY). At the top on the plate rest the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. On the lower part of the oval of the ribbon is the gold Roman numeral «C» and the gold figure «17 M» on which is laid the gold figure «35» covered in black enamel. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.49.Знак 1-й батареи З6-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.49. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 36th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 30.08.1913 ![]() Золотая сложенная в виде заостренного овала лента, покрытая эмалью красного цвета. На ленте золотые надпись «1я БАТАРЕЯ * 36й APT. БР.» и даты «1805 * 1905». Под лентой скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая). На ленту наложен серебряный двуглавый орел, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной. На груди орла золотой щиток, покрытый эмалью черного цвета, с золотыми вензелями Императоров Александра I и Николая II, увенчанными золотой Императорской короной. Gold ribbon folded in the shape of an emphasized oval covered in red enamel. On the ribbon are the gold inscriptions «1я БАТАРЕЯ * 36й APT. БР.» (1st BATTERY * 36 ART. BR.) and the dates «1805 * 1905». Below the ribbon are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). On the ribbon is a silver double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield covered in black enamel with the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.50. Знак 2-й и 5-й батарей 37-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.50. Badge of the 2nd and 5th Batteries of the 37th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 10.09.1913
Silver oxidized shield with raised thick borders with woven raised rivets. In the centre of the shield is a gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel. On the lower part of the shield are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). On their breech ends are the raised dates «1796» and «1896». On the upper part of the shield are resting the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II. The cyphers are beneath the gold Imperial crown with gold St. George ribbons falling from it. 6.1.51. Знак 6-й батареи 38-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.51. Badge of the 6th Battery of the 38th Artillery Brigade. Утв. 27.09.1913
Gold wreath of laurel and oak branches on which are laid crossed cannons (left - blue steel, right - gold). On the edges of their barrels are the raised gold dates «1796» and «1896». At the cross section of the cannons is laid a gold Caucasian cross covered in black enamel. Between the ends of the barrels are the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. At the point of intersection of the wreaths branches is laid a silver oxidized grenade with gold flames and the gold Roman numeral «C». Between the flames and the lower rays of the cross is a gold badge of excellence on a cap for the lower ranks with the raised gold inscription «ЗА ОТЛИЧIE» (FOR EXCELLENCE). 6.1.52. Знак 5-й батареи 41-й артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.52. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 41st Artillery Brigade. Утв. 15.02.1913 Золотой крест по форме Георгиевского с выпуклым золотым ободком. Между лучами креста скрещенные пушки (левая - золотая, правая — вороненая). В центре креста золотой выпуклый медальон, окруженный двойным золотым ободком. На медальоне надпись «5 БАТ. 41 АРТИЛ. БРИГ.», выполненная в три строки. На горизонтальных лучах креста даты «1805» и «1905», на вертикальных помещены вензели Императоров Александра I и Николая II, увенчанные Императорскими коронами. Все надписи, даты и вензели выполнены эмалью белого цвета. ![]() ![]() Gold cross in the St. George form with raised gold borders. Between the rays of the cross are crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel), and in the centre a raised gold medallion surrounded by a double gold border. On the medallion is the inscription «5 БАТ. 41 АРТИЛ. БРИГ.» (5 BAT. 41 ARTIL BRIG.) on three lines. On the horizontal rays of the cross are the gold dates «1805» and «1905» and on the vertical the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. All the inscriptions, dates and cyphers are covered with white enamel. 6.1.53. Знак 3-й горной батареи 1-го Финляндского стрелкового артиллерийского дивизиона. 6.1.53. Badge of the 3rd Mountain Battery of the 1st Finland Rifle Artillery Division. Утв. 02.06.1912
Gold crest of the «Virtuti Militari» order without spheres at the ends of the rays, with thin borders covered in black enamel. On the horizontal rays are the inscriptions «VIR» and «TUTI» and on the vertical «MILI» and «TARI», all in black enamel. In the centre of the cross is a silver double-headed eagle beneath three silver Imperial crowns. In its claws, the eagle is holding a silver orb and sceptre. On the eagle's breast is a silver unfolded cloak the lining of which is covered in red enamel with the gold cyphers of the Emperors Paul I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. The mantle is surmounted by the silver Imperial crown. 6.1.54. Знак 3-й батареи 2-го Финляндского стрелкового артиллерийского дивизиона. 6.1.54. Badge of the 3rd Battery of the 2nd Finland Artillery Division. Утв. 12.02.1914
Gold St. George ribbon folded in the shape of an oval on which are laid crossed cannons (left - gold, right - silver oxidized). At their point of intersection is a silver oxidized double-headed eagle beneath three gold Imperial crowns with gold ribbons falling from them. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield with a gold Maltese cross covered in white enamel. On its wings are the raised gold dates «1798» and »1898«. On the eagle's tail is laid a silver oxidized grenade with gold flames. On the lower part of the gold St. George ribbon are crossed silver trumpets. 6.1.55. Знак 3-й горной батареи 3-го Финляндского стрелкового артиллерийского дивизиона. 6.1.55. Badge of the 3rd Mounted Battery of the 3rd Finland Rifle Artillery Division. Утв. 22.09.1911
Straight gold cross covered in white enamel. In its centre is a gold medallion covered in red enamel with the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. On the upper ray of the cross is the gold number «100». On the horizontal rays is the gold inscription «Зя БАТ. Зго ФИН. СТР. APT. ДИВ.» (3 BAT. 3 FIN. RIF. ART. DIV.). On the lower ray are silver St. George trumpets with their horns facing downwards with St. George ribbons descending. On the cross are gold crossed cannons enveloped in a gold St. George ribbon. The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.56. Знак 1-й батареи 2-го Туркестанского стрелкового артиллерийского дивизиона. 6.1.56. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 2nd Turkestan Rifle Artillery Division. Утв. 08.03.1912 ![]() ![]() Золотой венок из лавровых ветвей, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной. Венок наложен на скрещенные пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая). На венок наложен серебряный двуглавый орел, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной с ниспадающими золотыми лентами. На груди орла золотой щиток, покрытый эмалью бледно-голубого цвета, с золотой цифрой «100». Под орлом на месте пересечения ветвей венка расположены два серебряных щитка с вензелями Императоров Александра I и Николая II, увенчанными Императорскими коронами. Бензели выполнены эмалью красного цвета. Gold wreath of laurel branches beneath the gold Imperial crown. The wreath is laid on crossed cannons (left -gold, right - blue steel). On the wreath is laid a silver double-headed eagle beneath the gold Imperial crown with gold ribbons falling from it. On the eagle's breast is a small gold shield covered in pale-blue enamel with the gold number «100». Below the eagle at the point of intersection of the leaves of the wreath are two small silver shields with the red enamel cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath Imperial crowns. 6.1.57. Знак 2-й батареи 2-й Сибирской стрелковой артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.57. Badge of the 2nd Battery of the 2nd Siberian Rifle Artillery Brigade. Утв. 02.06.1912 Серебряный венок из лавровой и дубовой ветвей, перевитых золотой Георгиевской лентой. Венок увенчан золотой Императорской короной. Внутри него золотой совмещенный вензель Императоров Александра I и Николая II. Между вензелем и короной помещена золотая вьющаяся лента с надписью «2 Б 2 С С А Б», выполненной эмалью черного цвета. Вензель наложен на наклоненные друг к другу пушки (левая — золотая, правая — вороненая). На нижней части вензеля золотая Александровская лента, завязанная в бант со свисающими концами. На банте золотая дата «1907», на свисающих концах Александровской ленты золотые надписи и вензель Императора Николая II, увенчанный золотой Императорской короной. Под бантом скрещенные серебряные Георгиевские трубы со свисающими вниз Георгиевскими лентами. а) Встречаются знаки, у которых на свисающих концах Александровской ленты помещены золотые вензели Императоров Александра I и Николая II, увенчанные золотыми Императорскими коронами. Silver wreath of laurel and oak branches bound in a 1 St. George ribbon. The wreath is beneath the gold Imperial crown. Inside it is the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II. Between the cypher and the crown is a gold wavy ribbon with the inscription «2 Б 2 С С А Б» (2 В 2 S RAB) in black enamel. The cypher is laid over cannons inclined towards each other (left - gold, right - blue steel). On the lower part of the cypher is a gold St. Alexander ribbon tied in a bow with dangling ends. On the bow is the gold date «1907» and on the ends of which are gold inscriptions and the cypher of Emperor Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the bow are crossed St George trumpets with St. George ribbons descending from it. a) There are some badges which have the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns on the descending St. Alexander ribbon. 6.1.58. Знак 1-й батареи 5-й Сибирской стрелковой артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.58. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 5th Siberian Rifle Artillery Brigade. Утв. 18.11.1912
Gold double-headed eagle with outstretched wings beneath the gold Imperial crown with falling gold ribbons. On the eagle's breast is a small silver shield with thin raised silver borders and the gold Roman numeral «C». On the eagle's wings are the gold cyphers of Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath gold Imperial crowns. In its claws the eagle is holding a gold waving ribbon covered in red enamel with the gold inscription «1. Б. 5 С. С. А. Б.» (1. B. 5 S. R. А. В.). The eagle is laid on crossed cannons (left - gold, right - blue steel). 6.1.59. Знак 1-й батареи 7-й Сибирской стрелковой артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.59. Badge of the 1st Battery of the 7th Siberian Rifle Artillery Brigade. Утв. 22.01.1912
Silver wreath of laurel and oak branches on the upper part of which is a gold wavy St. George ribbon with the gold inscription «1Б. 7 С. С. А. Л. Б.» (1 B. 7 C. C. A. L. В.). From the ribbon is hung the gold order of St. George. On the wreath are two horizontally laid cannons (top - gold with the barrel to the right, bottom - blue steel with the barrel to the left). On the cannons are laid the gold cyphers of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II between which is the gold number «100». The lower part of the wreath is braided with gold ribbons covered in red enamel with the gold dates «1805» and «1905». The badge is surmounted by the gold Imperial crown. 6.1.60. Знак 5-й батареи 8-й Сибирской стрелковой артиллерийской бригады. 6.1.60. Badge of the 5th Battery of the 8th Siberian Rifle Artillery Brigade. Утв. 16.04.1914
Gold wreath of laurel and oak leaves inside of which is a small silver shield with raised silver edging. On the top part of the small shield are crossed cannons (left - gold, right -blue steel) on which is laid a gold St. Alexander ribbon tied in a bow with the gold dates «1806» and «1906». On the cannons sits a silver double-headed eagle turned in the right heraldic direction beneath the silver Imperial crown. In the centre of the small shield is the gold combined cypher of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas II beneath the gold Imperial crown. On the lower part of the small shield is the gold blue enamel Roman numeral «C». On either side of the small shield is the raised gold inscription «5 БАТ. 8 СИБ. СТР. APT. БРГ.» (5 BAT. 8 SIB. RIF. ART. BRG.). From under its lower part protrude the horns of silver trumpets enveloped in a gold St. George ribbon tied in a bow. |